Did you know that microchips can also be synced to particular makes of cat flaps?
In April 2015 it became a legal requirement for all dogs to be micro-chipped. Breeders are legally required to microchip all puppies before the age of 8 weeks and prior to the puppies leaving for their new home.
Sadly it is not yet a legal requirement for cats to be microchipped, but fortunately it has become a routine procedure these days with most owners electing to microchip their feline friends.
Microchipping is often carried out at the time of vaccination or neutering, but can be done at any time or age. A tiny chip (approximately the size of a grain of rice) is injected under the skin where it will remain and act as a ‘barcode’ for your pet’s identity. In the unfortunate event of your pet getting lost or stolen, or if they end up in a rescue shelter or a vet practice, they will be scanned with a microchip reader which will enable the organisation to identify you as their owner and reunite you with your pet.
Your pet’s microchip will be registered on a nationwide database allowing them to be reunited with you from anywhere in the country.
Contact us today to book an appointment for your pet’s microchip on 01780 322333.